Brief Background

This club is said to have started in the second semester of 1994. Its point of focus was (is) to improve on the mode of public speaking of her members. A theme is set by the organizers and different speakers come up to give their views in relation to the theme at hand in a formal way. Ever since its beginning, there have been several debates that have been conducted within and outside Kinyamasika seminary.


  • To enable the members to learn the basic skills of communicating knowledge not only coherently but also systematically and convincingly.
  • To widen the mission of evangelization through verbal utterances.
  • To invigorate quick brainstorming, quick thinking, a quick analysis of issues, quick judgment and quick grasping of the issues at stake.
  • To help students develop the art of defending their faith in public coherently and boldly hence develop confidence which is demanded of a Church minister.


  • Conduct public debates with fellow seminarians and with other institutions.
  • Members go out to help the young pupils and students in schools to develop their art of public speaking through encouraging them to actively participate in debates.
  • Members also guide each other on how to conduct a public speech and gathering.