Generally speaking, most of the clubs in our seminary are for the different languages. In His mission to the Apostles, Jesus commissioned them to “Go and preach the Gospel to all nations…” (Mt 28:19), putting in mind that the different nations have different languages and that these priestly candidates after their ordination belong to the Universal Church with Multiple languages, it is therefore essential that some international languages be taught to these priestly candidates during their formation so as to be relevant to the Universal Church. Priestly candidates are obliged to reach out to all nations to proclaim the Gospel in different languages.



Each club has a staff member in charge (chaplain). Preferably and under normal circumstances is to be one of the full time (resident) staff members. The chaplain is to fully get involved and know all the details of the club’s activities. It is the chaplain to approve the activities of the club at the beginning of a semester before they are submitted into the clubs’ coordinator’s office and thereafter to the father in charge of the clubs, movement and associations. The activities of clubs are to be presented to the staff (during the staff meeting) by the father in charge of clubs, movements and associations to be cancelled or given a go ahead depending on the seminary timetable, other co-curricular activities and other prevailing circumstances. Therefore, following the recommendations from the students’ body, the seminary Staff approves and honours the general calendar of the clubs, movements and associations as presented by the department. As such, each club, movement and association has an opportunity to carry out its activities given a go ahead by the staff (this pertains to both external and internal activities: are internal if done within the seminary wall and external if done outside it).


Each club, movement or associations to have a well formulated constitution. The constitution is not to be solely on paper but it is to be followed by letter. The members are to sit together with their chaplain and design the constitution. However, the constitution shall be amended at any time as long as the need arises among members and the chaplain judges it fitting. The amendment shall be supported by two third of the members but this shall be done in consultation with the father in charge of clubs, movements and associations. It is encouraged that club leaders make sure that at least each of the active members of the club has got a copy of this constitution.


Each seminarian is encouraged to belong to at least one club, one association and one apostolic movement. Registration of new members to the club is not enough; members have to show their commitment by attending the club activities and meetings with zeal. New members shall be requested to join any club of their choice voluntarily without coercion at the beginning of every academic year. However, it must be noted that the old members shall renew their membership b registration at the beginning of the academic year. The clubs’ coordinator as soon as possible makes a compilation and submits a copy to each staff member through the father in charge of clubs, movements and associations. One who does not renew his membership to that particular club shall automatically cease to be a member. Members shall pay their membership fee as agreed upon by the members (considering the signs of the time and the needs of the club, association or movement) but this is to be seconded by the chaplain.


Each club shall have at least three main offices: chairman (club leader), Treasurer (finance) and the secretary (documentation). The term of office for these is one academic year ceteris paribus. The officials in these positions and other offices shall be elected democratically by secret ballot. A well organised list of club leaders is to be submitted to the father in charge of clubs, movements and associations by the clubs’ coordinator in the second week after the election of the new head prefect and his team. Each club is encouraged to conduct meetings as frequent as possible. However, as a general norm each club is to have a general meeting at least once a month. It must be noted that for any matter of the club to be passed, the quorum shall be at least 52% of the members.




He convenes and chairs meetings of the different heads of clubs, movements and associations.

He registers and compiles the lists of seminarians according to the various movements and associations to which they belong. It is encouraged that he does this preferably at the beginning of each academic year.

It remains his duty to always make a sound follow up and ensure that each student is in his respective movement, club or association doing the needful.

He has a fundamental role of coordinating the clubs, movements and associations with the staff through the clubs’ chaplain.

Together with the chaplain he organizes the clubs’ day

He works out a plan with the master of ceremonies (MC Liturgy) for various movements ad associations especially those with spiritual charisms to lead the community in liturgical celebrations.

He draws out a time table for the clubs, movements and associations’ activities at the beginning of the academic year.

He is to collect all the reports from the different club leaders and makes a thorough study of them.

At the end of the academic year, he compiles the annual reports of each club, movement and association and forwards it to the staff through the chaplain.

Lastly, it will be his duty to make sure that all the dictates of this booklet are followed by the different clubs, movements and associations: he is to make sure that the first year students are well versed and acquainted with the material therein.



The duties he carries out are to be particular to that club, movement and association to which he is the head.

He shall make plans of action each semester and give a copy to the general coordinator. He is expected to be in close collaboration with him.

He shall ensure that there is general cooperation among the members of this particular club, movement and association.

He is to keep the chaplain of his club, movement and association well informed of what goes on in the club. In fact, with the grand activities of the club, the chaplain must give his approval first before it is submitted to the staff.

He is obliged to know the different members of the club personally including their degree of participation in club activities.

He shall make an evaluation of the activities carried out, at the end of each semester.